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StB Dipl.-Kffr. (FH) Cathleen Hausmann
StB Dipl.-Kffr. MBA Sophie Büchner
StB B.A. Astrid Drobisch


Boyenstraße 41
D-10115 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 280 40 745
Fax: +49 30 280 40 746


Information given in accordance with § 5 TMG

VAT ID number: DE258238062


HBD Steuerberatungsgesellschaft PartGmbB is registered at the German Chamber of Tax Consultancy under the number 770376 and bound in partnership register under the number PR 889 B.
Our work will be carried out in accordance with the following regulations of professional law: the Steuerberatungsgesetzes (StBerG), the Durchführungsverordnung zum StBerG (DVStB), the Berufsordnung (BOStB) and the Steuerberatervergütungsverordnung (StBVV)

You can find the above-mentioned regulations at the German Federal Chamber of Tax Consultancy´s website at under the category “Berufsrecht”. The documents are available in PDF for a  print or download.

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Despite the careful checking of the contents, we do not accept liability for the contents of external links. Only the operator of the linked website is responsible for its content.